Holiday Tips for North Cyprus Villa Rentals

How to save money on phone charges in Cyprus, how to call up a taxi, how much you should tip...

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    A Bunch of North Cyprus Villa Holiday Tips

    Telephones in North Cyprus

    As in many Mediterranean countries, North Cyprus villa rentals do not usually include a working telephone. So, most visitors bring their UK mobile phone, and it's always a great feeling sitting by your North Cyprus holiday villa pool in blazing sunshine and ringing home to discover it's raining!

    Mobile phone coverage is generally good in the Nicosia, Kyrenia, and Famagusta areas, with less comprehensive coverage in the mountains. You should be able to connect from most North Cyprus villas for rent to either KKTCell (Turkcell) or Telsim (Vodafone Turkey), and also be able to connect to the CYTA network (South Cyprus) around Nicosia and Famagusta. Of the three, Turkcell currently offers the most functionality for UK phone owners, and may appear on your phone screen as "kktc cell".

    You can also buy local SIM cards in most local shops and forward any incoming calls to the new SIM number if required.

    If you need further advice about anything, we will be happy to help you. Please contact us.

    Catalkoy villas to rent in North Cyprus

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    190 GBP
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    Taxis in North Cyprus

    One of the great delights of renting a villa in North Cyprus is that you can eat out every night if you wish. Don’t drink and drive, as there are plenty of taxi firms happy to take you to and from your Northern Cyprus villa for just a few lira. Most restaurants will have details of local firms, and ask them what the journey costs should be to your North Cyprus holiday villa location, as rural taxi rides are not metered and you need to agree a price with the driver in advance. If you want to meet local people, consider a journey in a dolmus, or shared taxi, which will be cheaper than private hire.

    Tipping in North Cyprus

    Always remember, tipping is a matter of personal choice, to reward good service. Generally, a tip of up to 10% is perfectly acceptable. Always tip in cash, not on your credit card, as you end up tipping the credit card company too through their charges!

    Electricity and Water in North Cyprus

    Most North Cyprus villas for rent have a large water storage tank, which is perfectly sufficient for a normal family holiday. However, water is a precious commodity, and during times of drought, you may find your North Cyprus holiday villa supply is turned off for some hours to conserve water. At these times, try to help the local community by using less water if you can. Equally, you may experience the occasional power cut during your stay, so pack a torch or two just in case. Some rental villas may have a generator in the garden.

    Tap water quality in most North Cyprus villa rentals is generally good, but many UK visitors prefer to use bottled water for drinking and washing food.

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    Explore our select choice of North Cyprus villa rentals for a holiday worth phoning home about!